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Qual foi sua lição mais dura de aprender?

Pessoas tendem a pensar que estão finalmente, depois de aprender tanto, atualmente vivendo suas versões definitivas. E sempre estamos enganados. 

Consegue pensar em algo que você achava que sabia — e quiçá até defendia teimosamente — antes de chegar a seu atual estado de sabedoria? Talvez sua história possa evitar que outra pessoa precise aprender na marra. Estamos falando principalmente de jiu-jítsu aqui, mas fique à vontade para nos ensinar sobre qualquer coisa que ache importante. 


Daniel Timpe Avatar
Daniel Timpe comentou:

Yes, i know this kind of knowing, up to the point where everything changed and i learned beyond my further „knowledge“. Sokrates (philosopher from the old greece) told us already: Anyone who thinks they are something has ceased to become something. (Free translated by google).
I thought i know how to defend myself. 35 years of martial arts knowledge should be enough, right? But then i landed on my back on the ground (sparring in Krav Maga) with another instructor who was a brown belt in BJJ. That opened my mind and awakend my curiosity, so i started to learn more about that „Groundfighting“ thing. - Stay curious in life and martial arts! It helps to be open for others (concepts and people) and learn more , even about yourself, by this open mind state. - Best regards from germany and netherlands (from Harold Harder Jiu Jiutsu)

08 de outubro de 2022, 00:57
danbrown Avatar
danbrown comentou:

BJJ helped me figure out that my superpower is persistence. When I started, I was terrible. But I never gave up, I desired to get better, I tried hard, went to class, practiced at home, and eventually I improved. All the challenges life brought me, I do the same. I keep trying, endure the pressure, stay calm, try new strategies, keep moving. As long as I keep fighting, I can overcome. That's what I learned from Master Royce, and my instructors and friends in BJJ.

04 de outubro de 2022, 13:14
Chaplain Steve McMeans Avatar
Chaplain Steve McMeans respondeu:

Thank you. I’m very encouraged by this Dan. God bless you!

04 de outubro de 2022, 16:49
Chaplain Steve McMeans Avatar
Chaplain Steve McMeans comentou:

Thank you for this question!

I’ve learned in just the last few days that Justice is sometimes as invisible as Jiu-Jitsu. But the ability to win a fight or any kind of conflict for that matter is with the totally VISIBLE part of Jiu-Jitsu—it’s gentleness.

To let folks who’ve dishonored me and my family “off the hook”, is the better part of wisdom, and the whole part of Jiu-Jitsu.

All the force necessary. Let God have the rest.


Chaplain Steve
YouTube: Steve McMeans, The Unprofessional Philosopher

04 de outubro de 2022, 03:30