Pessoas tendem a pensar que estão finalmente, depois de aprender tanto, atualmente vivendo suas versões definitivas. E sempre estamos enganados.
Consegue pensar em algo que você achava que sabia — e quiçá até defendia teimosamente — antes de chegar a seu atual estado de sabedoria? Talvez sua história possa evitar que outra pessoa precise aprender na marra. Estamos falando principalmente de jiu-jítsu aqui, mas fique à vontade para nos ensinar sobre qualquer coisa que ache importante.
Yes, i know this kind of knowing, up to the point where everything changed and i learned beyond my further „knowledge“. Sokrates (philosopher from the old greece) told us already: Anyone who thinks they are something has ceased to become something. (Free translated by google).
I thought i know how to defend myself. 35 years of martial arts knowledge should be enough, right? But then i landed on my back on the ground (sparring in Krav Maga) with another instructor who was a brown belt in BJJ. That opened my mind and awakend my curiosity, so i started to learn more about that „Groundfighting“ thing. - Stay curious in life and martial arts! It helps to be open for others (concepts and people) and learn more , even about yourself, by this open mind state. - Best regards from germany and netherlands (from Harold Harder Jiu Jiutsu)
BJJ helped me figure out that my superpower is persistence. When I started, I was terrible. But I never gave up, I desired to get better, I tried hard, went to class, practiced at home, and eventually I improved. All the challenges life brought me, I do the same. I keep trying, endure the pressure, stay calm, try new strategies, keep moving. As long as I keep fighting, I can overcome. That's what I learned from Master Royce, and my instructors and friends in BJJ.
Thank you. I’m very encouraged by this Dan. God bless you!
Thank you for this question!
I’ve learned in just the last few days that Justice is sometimes as invisible as Jiu-Jitsu. But the ability to win a fight or any kind of conflict for that matter is with the totally VISIBLE part of Jiu-Jitsu—it’s gentleness.
To let folks who’ve dishonored me and my family “off the hook”, is the better part of wisdom, and the whole part of Jiu-Jitsu.
All the force necessary. Let God have the rest.
Chaplain Steve
YouTube: Steve McMeans, The Unprofessional Philosopher