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A perspectiva de Rickson sobre o trabalho constante em suas fraquezas

A perspectiva de Rickson sobre o trabalho constante em suas fraquezas

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Francisco X Rivera  Avatar
Francisco X Rivera comentou:

I watched this after video after coming back from a class where I felt discouraged about my BJJ progress. Learning that Rickson continues and never stops working on his weaknesses was very inspiring to me. Thank you Rickson!!

28 de outubro de 2022, 17:38
clwatford Avatar
clwatford comentou:

Never stop learning! We are imperfect, but perfection is unattainable. Still, we should continue to try to improve and never stop learning. In life and Jiujitsu.

27 de outubro de 2022, 22:41
Marjory Wildcraft Avatar
Marjory Wildcraft respondeu:

Rickson, yes I am in JiuJitsu only to play the game. I'm not interested in competing or even self defense (it's nice but not my priority). I am just fascinated with this way of using my body - the leverage, the angles, etc. I also really love the friendships with others at the dojo. I'm a 59 year old woman and just started training a few months ago.

29 de outubro de 2022, 11:54