How to proceed in your practice.

How to proceed in your practice.

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JJ Avatar
JJ comentou:

Fantastic practice... Thank you sir.

22 de julho de 2021, 10:09
amber.diosdado Avatar
amber.diosdado comentou:

I have started doing this with my kid!! Surprisingly, they enjoy doing this with me! They don't love doing much with their Mom these days, so this is fun and sometimes they don't even know what they're learning.

15 de julho de 2021, 13:02
jdogdude78 Avatar
jdogdude78 comentou:

Master Rickson. I always thought it strange that so many BJJ schools show a technique, just drill for a few minutes, then free roll. Wrestlers do it more in line with what you are saying (drill, isolation drilling with increasing resistance, then a smaller portion in free sparring).

14 de julho de 2021, 12:12