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The invisible detail so you never get the scissor sweep wrong

One of the simplest sweeps in jiujitsu, the scissor sweep is often underestimated, and ignored after the blue belt. Again, the problem with the technique does not lie in its concepts, but in errors that students make. 

In this lesson, Rickson Gracie details an almost imperceptible hip movement, which stops the passer from retreating and avoiding this basic, simple, ever-effective sweep. 

Learn it from the master and endeavor to repeat it in your training. Click here to check out the complete lesson. This video is just a part of one lesson from the Self.Defense.Unit program, which is available to all Rickson Academy subscribers.


Wahib Salha Avatar
Wahib Salha commented:

Imagino o quanto as pessoas perdem em nao assinarem esse canal, sao pequenos detalhes que vem direto do Samurai. Todos que treinam e se interessam pelo BJJ deveriam por questoes morais assinar essas aulas para que o jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro nunca se perca. Oss! Obrigado Mestre Rickson por compartilhar seus conhecimentos com o mundo,

January 24, 2023 02:04 PM
Dr. Frank Valentin Avatar
Dr. Frank Valentin commented:

Thank you

December 20, 2022 08:14 AM
GBJohn Avatar
GBJohn commented:

Beautiful detail

December 20, 2022 02:36 AM