How Rickson's son Rockson taught him about time

Rockson Gracie, born in 1981, was Rickson's first child. With Rickson in his corner, in the year 2000 he won the IBJJF's Pan in the purple belt. After that, he decided to pursue a career in modeling, but it was cut tragically short as he died in a hotel room in early 2001. 

Rickson himself was still a young and athletic 42 years old when he was dealt what he has called the most brutal blow of his life. Priorities changed right then as he was left to pick up the pieces and strive to keep on going. 

In December 2021, Rickson kindly opened up about how his life was forever changed. 

"Talking about my dear son Rockson, on his departure, he changed my perspective of how I have to see life in terms of usage of time and become very much focused on the work of the day, not leaving anything for tomorrow. And that's given me a perspective of keeping my life much tighter, much more appropriate to the moment, and not wasting time, and being very much grateful for the present moment, and live the moment as the most important thing, not putting perspectives too much for the future or allow myself to live based on the past. So, after Rockson's departure, I became much more present, trying to send my positive energy, my service, to the most appropriate moments at the moment I'm living in." 


JJ Avatar
JJ commented:

The Power of Now, Be Here Now, and the American Pioneer a Alan Watts, all taught me this great stuff. Thanks for the reminder I need to revisit the now. Thanks again Sir.

February 24, 2022 10:18 AM
Nikola Avatar
Nikola commented:

Very interesting.
This is way of Zen Philosophy.
Alan W.Watts has published few books in attempt to explain it to Western people. Also Eckhart Tolle used it in Psychotherapy.
Thank you Sensei

February 23, 2022 02:49 AM
Daniel Abramovitch Avatar
Daniel Abramovitch commented:

I still remember him as a 13 year old at your 1994 seminar in Oakland, with his skateboard out on the sidewalk beside the studio. You wanted to show folks that a choke didn't require strength, just technique, so you asked him to demonstrate, He put down his skateboard, came in and put a rear naked choke on the person, they tapped and he went and picked up his skateboard. (That's how I remember it.) It's a nice memory.

February 21, 2022 02:20 PM