What do the BJJ student, the singer and the deep-sea diver have in common? None will be able to go very far if they don't learn about their own breathing.
"I was lucky to get to know a master on the subject, the yoga teacher Orlando Cani. Learning to breathe to me was as important as learning to do jiu-jitsu," Rickson says. "A good part of my assuredness and confidence comes also from my breathing."
Learning how to inhale and exhale with the proper technique is a crucial step for those who want to excel on the mats. The person starts feeling their body as a well-oiled machine during the action; and, outside the gym, they gain a clean, serene and peaceful mind for sorting out any troubles.
If you have been feeling exhausted in your training, or if you spend your days drowning in anxiety with no good explanation, start paying attention to your lungs. The act of panting excessively, the short breaths, the puffs of exasperation are signs of flaws in your body's oxygenation.
Before putting on the gi, and when coming home from your training, strive to study breathing techniques. You will experience a routine that's much lighter and filled with pleasant moments — even if you're not a famous singer or explorer of oceans.
I Javé experimentei. It is marvilhous!
Steve Maxwell told me I need to work on my breathing... I will study these videos and practice... Thank you Sir.