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6 tips from Rickson Gracie to defeat laziness right away


1. An injury is no excuse to sit on the couch watching TV and not exercise. Spare the injured region and exercise the rest of your body.

2. Physical training that starts feeling like routine can be boring to anybody. In the case of athletes and fighters, it's not beneficial either, as it becomes less demanding of each muscle group. Change up your activities, look for open-air sceneries, and be creative. Swimming, surfing, biking, rock-climbing, yoga, running—it's all good if it benefits your body and your mind.

3. Practice exercises daily. A day without exercise is an unrecoverable day.

4. Not in the right mindset for training? Body begging for rest? Remember that water is a great natural source of energy. Look for the nearest sea, pool or shower to refresh your ideas—and, of course, your joints.

5. During training, don't just think about the positions of the body. Pay special attention to the rhythm of your breathing—something that can be crucial to your victory... or your defeat.

6. If you've been feeling a bit stagnant at the jiu-jitsu gym, endeavor to follow this formula: 50% of your time just for BJJ; 30% for training devoted to improving stamina, such as running, sprinting on the sand or at the park, and swimming; and 20% for strength training, like weightlifting.


panikkosar Avatar
panikkosar commented:

Great advises thank you master

March 25, 2022 03:13 AM
clwatford Avatar
clwatford commented:


March 24, 2022 09:25 PM